Kinky pre Thanksgiving bang
so pretty much all of you know my story.. for the last quite a few years I have hosted 5 gang bangs a year.. this year is no different.. about 3 weeks ago my 2 hubby?s came to me and said that they thought we should do something a little different this year.. they ask if I had any thoughts on this.. any how for the last couple weeks I have been struggling with my alter ego.. she wanted out really badly.. she is a very naughty girl and I usually get in some kind of trouble when she is loose.. so I suggested that we do a small pre Thanksgiving bang that she can be free to be there.. I suggested to my hubby?s that they plan it and set it up and that it should be a kinky bang..
so Friday arrived and was the date selected for this event.. I had 2 of my regular guy?s appointments and then the rest of the weekend was free.. so after meeting with my second guy and winding things up Dan came in and handed me his credit card and told me to go shopping for some sexy things and to be back around 7pm.. fair enough.. so after spending about 3 hours in my favorite lingerie store trying on everything and buying most of it it was time to head home.. when I got there I noticed there were no cars in my drive.. I thought it was odd if we were going to have a bang.. but no biggy.. so I make my way in to my house and into the living room.. there in the living room was a large inflatable swimming pool and a inflatable single size bed in the middle of the pool.. there was plastic sheeting in and around the pool.. I am thinking that they are wanting to put water in this pool in my living room.. then the Mayor came in and told me to go get ready for the party and assured me that we weren?t going to be outing water in the pool.. so off I go to shower and do my routine before sex.. shower shave everything and clean myself out squeaky clean.. I moisturize With oil and lotion.. as you alter ego is in charge tonight I find a really sexy pair of thigh high lace top silk stockings.. matching lace silk garter.. both in fire engine red.. very sexy color.. I figure not to wear panties as they would be removed first thing anyway.. so when I am ready I go back to the living room and find five of my favorite guys and my hubby?s all waiting for me naked.. we all kinda laugh that nervous laugh.. they invite me to the center of the room and into the pool.. I go around the circle and give each a nice big kiss and a couple tugs on their cocks.. I hadn?t noticed that they were all standing with their hands behind their backs.. as soon as I made full circle I was told to get on the bed.. then they revealed that they each had two large bottles of baby oil behind their backs.. the stockings and garter were removed and they come straight at me oil in hand.. omg this was the kind of kink I had been needing I got all 14 bottles poured on me and hands everywhere rubbing and touching and feeling me up.. my alter ego was in heaven.. I began to tug and suck and deep throat.. I was pushed on to my back with my head hung over the side and face fucked as they started fucking me one by one.. switching out taking turns fucking me.. after about 3 hours I started getting a load here and there deep in my pussy by about 1am most of them had cum in me once.. by 3 am they all except my hubby?s had cum in me twice.. by about 3:30 they were pretty much tapping out now my hubby?s took over.. I soon was having my first anal orgasm by about 4:30 they were being very powerful and almost none stop.. my mind was a blur and I shook and quivered uncontrollably.. I moaned loudly and gasp for air.. I was out of control my orgasms were so powerful that I lost all inhabitants and I was simply a quivering pile of goo.. I was exhausted but exhilarated sexually.. my body convulsed as Dan power fucked me in full orgasm mode.. he fucked me hard and pushed me from one orgasm to the next keeping me in continual orgasm as wave after wave of sexual pleasure wash over me.. I think it was around 5-5:30 when my eyes rolled back and I passed out while he fucked me.. it was around 10:30am I awoke being penetrated by one of the guys.. I still had cumfrom the night before dribbling out of me.. he spent about 45 min fucking me till he gave me my first load of the day.. I got my hubby?s to help me to the shower to clean up before the rest of the guys woke up and wanted to start again.. after my shower I felt amazing.. freshly fucked and ready to start again.. we ate some breakfast and headed to the living room for more fun.. the guys paced themselves a lot more today and it was more one on one today.. three more guys showed up today and livened things up a bit.. all in all I lost track of how many times I was fucked and how many loads I took.. I know I am stiff and my Pusey is sore.. and I am going to take care of my hubby?s tonight.. I want to be pushed into very powerful orgasms again!!! It has just been this last 3-4 month that I reconnected with my sexually and my pleasure.. never loose sight of it.. my alter ego is very happily satisfied now!!!
Re: Kinky pre Thanksgiving bang
you said your x-wife has watched you get fucked twice. how do you think she would react, to watching you get fucked by so many men, to be their submissive bitch ?
Re: Kinky pre Thanksgiving bang
Originally Posted by
you said your x-wife has watched you get fucked twice. how do you think she would react, to watching you get fucked by so many men, to be their submissive bitch ?
I am sure not well!!!