Cuckolding Coming Out of the Closet?
CNN posted a semi-positive article about cuckolding and, of course, caught a ton of shit from conservative news.
Men's cuckolding fantasies remind me a bit of men's bi and homosexual feelings. You go on swing sites and everyone says they're straight in their profile, but clearly aren't when they start talking to you. It's even worse with cuckolding. There's a stigma that prevents anyone from admitting it in 'real life'. but one only has to read erotica or go out to tumble to realize seeing a wife or girlfriend with another man is a top 5 fantasy.
Personally I don't like the term 'cuck.' It implies a certain level of humiliation and belittling. I know there's a whole bunch of guys that fit into that category and I don't fault or even think less of these men, I'm just not one of them. I just always loved the thought of my wife cumming on another man's cock and then sharing it / herself with me.
I consider the fact that I no longer entertain this fantasy the surest sign that my sex life with my wife is over. Not only do I no longer feel sexual desire for her, I no longer even fantasize anything sexual involving her.
Now a days, my sharing fantasies involve me visiting a couple and being their 3rd. And my recent S&M adventures have altered my view on humiliation as well. If I knew with certainty a guy got off on being humiliated, I could see myself teasing a guy about his "little cock" and telling him to watch his wife cum on a 'real' man's cock. It would all be bull shit (frankly I like a guy with a little cock), but I'd do it happily if the husband enjoyed it and it provided a safe place to play out that enjoyment with a friend.
It's amazing to me that I can be coming up on 60 and my thoughts, fantasies, feelings and views regarding sex can still be evolving and changing from year to year. Nice reminder my I may be getting older, but I'm not fucking dead. :-)
Re: Cuckolding Coming Out of the Closet?
Originally Posted by
It's amazing to me that I can be coming up on 60 and my thoughts, fantasies, feelings and views regarding sex can still be evolving and changing from year to year.
That's pretty much what happened to me, and I just turned 67. We started to experiment with swinging and kink about 10, 11 years ago, and I slowly evolved from being a guy who had only been with one woman -- and NO MEN -- in my entire life, to a hotwife husband, Dom, swinger, cuckold and, finally -- an unabashed bisexual 'gurl'...
I agree with you about the term 'cuckold', although it has been bastardized to mean several different things in recent years. Technically, it's simply a man whose wife has sex with another man. But some insist that there has to be humiliation or ridicule attached, or other rules that may or may not be relevant to a given situation. People get too hung up on labels...
During the preliminary conversations before our very first 'hotwife' experience, the guy I was setting up the date with referred to me as a 'sissy', thinking that it was where I was coming from. I considered myself a hotwife husband, and told him right upfront that I wasn't a sissy! (That's kind of ironic because, these days, I kinda like being considered a sissy, dressed in my pantyhose & lingerie...:oh:)
We don't play together with others anymore, but I am able to enjoy an occasional bisexual experience, which I normally do embracing my feminine side/desires.
But I have some great memories of seeing my wife being wooed, undressed, fondled and fucked, sucking the cocks of other men, etc. During one such session, another man sucked my cock, briefly, and it eventually led to the realization that I LOVED having one in my mouth.
Call me a cuck, I don't care! It's fun!!!!
Re: Cuckolding Coming Out of the Closet?
I'm reminded again how much this site could use a "like" button.
Re: Cuckolding Coming Out of the Closet?
it's a real turn-on watching your wife with another man. seeing her become a whore before your eyes , is the hottest thing you can imagine. if someone wants to call me a cuckold , fuck em , i don't care.
Re: Cuckolding Coming Out of the Closet?
i know i'm kinda taking this thread in a different direction but wanna make a point. there might be some explanation why a guy who says he's str8 isn't. at least on profiles. most websites the categories are pretty limited. kinda like labels. take me for example. i've never had sex with a guy but i have thought about it alot. i fantasize about it, i hope for it, i j/o to it. so u can't really call me str8. but again i've never had it so i don't know if i am meant to like it in real life. i know i know, so many guys say once u have had a dick in ur mouth u will love it & crave it forever & wonder how u ever lived without it. but other people have suggested to me it's a fantasy not meant to be lived, if i live it the fantasy is completely over. loose all interest in guys. or i might meet the right women & be all about her, never think of guys again. or i might be with a women & the 1st sign of trouble in my relationship go looking for guys. i'm not trying to say what i might be in the future i'm talking about right now. if u say do u have any interest at all however small, in both sexes then yes i'm bisexual. i can admit that to myself & accept it. even be proud of it. but if u say do u choose to have sex with both sexes in practice the answer isn't clear. in my case gay (or trans but that's another story) is totally not what i am. str8 or bi tell part of who i am but neither is 100% accurate. but i gotta choose 1. maybe bicurious or even heteroflexible are the closest to describing me but u don't see those on every website. plus heteroflexible probably applies more if ur swinging. i understand the frustration if a guy literally writes in his add i am heterosexual & nave no interest in doing anything sexual with guys, but then u start chatting online or in real life & it turns out he's at least open to it. but if all u got to go on is labels u gotta realize they give u a very broad picture & take them for what it's worth.
going back to the topic it's good people are talking about cuckholding. if everyone involved is willing why should it be discouraged? personally if i had a wife/gf i would rather see her with another women than another man. but if it pleased her i would be open to either. i wlll say i'm not into humiliation in sex. i got enough insecurities to deal with lol, i don't need to be humiliated in something so personal as sex. being submissive is another matter however.
Re: Cuckolding Coming Out of the Closet?
What ever you want to call it, the wife and I are having the time of our lives. After 30plus years of marriage we re still closer than ever. The excitement we both get by having others both men And women in our bed Is something we look forward to every weekend and yes sometimes during the week as well.
Re: Cuckolding Coming Out of the Closet?
I am going to join a guy and his wife this weekend. I have done MMF before but never with another bi guy. Not sure how it all will go but very excited for sure!
Re: Cuckolding Coming Out of the Closet?
i don't know if i am a true cuckold , but i have let my wife fuck many men. with her knowledge , i was fucking women also. medically , she really can't indulge anymore , but i still have some women and men too. she used to get fucked in her ass every sunday , when she got home i ate out her asshole for long periods of time. she has a beautiful asshole. then I would fuck her like a cheap whore. i really miss those days when she spread her legs freely.
Re: Cuckolding Coming Out of the Closet?
Originally Posted by
I am going to join a guy and his wife this weekend. I have done MMF before but never with another bi guy. Not sure how it all will go but very excited for sure!
How did it go? Details, please!
Re: Cuckolding Coming Out of the Closet?
Originally Posted by
How did it go? Details, please!
It was fantastic! She was a beautiful blond girl with a rocking little body. He had a nice ass and a big cock. I ate her ass and pussy, fucked both his and her ass and pussy for a couple of hours, sucked his cock. That girl was like the energizer bunny. She finally finished me off with her mouth and had me cum all over her nice tits.
It was a great time and I hope for a repeat one day!
Re: Cuckolding Coming Out of the Closet?
Originally Posted by
It was fantastic! She was a beautiful blond girl with a rocking little body. He had a nice ass and a big cock. I ate her ass and pussy, fucked both his and her ass and pussy for a couple of hours, sucked his cock. That girl was like the energizer bunny. She finally finished me off with her mouth and had me cum all over her nice tits.
It was a great time and I hope for a repeat one day!
A good 3some is so much fun! Glad you had a good one.
Re: Cuckolding Coming Out of the Closet?
I have never been a fan of labels , but I have always said that the best partners or playmates are the married ones or couples I do get together with many for our fun exciting times for the most they love that enjoy all the fun to what ever extent that they both want to engage in .
Re: Cuckolding Coming Out of the Closet?
Sounds pretty damn awesome! Congrats