
All Blog Entries

  1. Accepting the Reality - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I knew I must have been doing a good job sucking his dick because he'd stopped sucking me; he was cussing, telling me how good it was and fucking into my mouth; I had been holding onto his dick and let go of it so he could easily fuck my mouth while keeping up the suction and licking. He pulled back until only the head was in my mouth, fucking the head into my mouth quickly before shoving almost all of his dick in; I felt his dick swelling my mouth and heard him saying over and over, "Oh, shit! Oh, shit!"

    Then he came... and there was a lot of it. I would have, normally, backed off until just the head was in my mouth to make it easier to swallow his cum but he had more than half of his dick in my mouth, making me "hustle" to swallow his load and not really tasting it so much. I could feel his dick easing up from the wild pumping it was doing and it was beginning to go soft but I kept sucking him to get every drop of his cum and being careful to stay away from the head of his dick.

    I gasped - moaned, really - when I felt him take my dick into his mouth, his teeth scraping across my knob for a moment and started sucking me again; I felt my body automatically start fucking into his mouth and felt him grab my ass to make me do it faster and deeper. I let his now-soft dick fall from my mouth so I could do some cussing of my own and with a rather loud, "Oh, shit!" I came in his mouth, my dick pulsing like crazy and not even caring that he was having a slight problem swallowing my spunk.

    I laid down next to him after he let go of me; we're both gasping like fish out of water with sweat pouring off of us big time. He was the first one to be able to speak and he said, "I knew it would be good! I knew it!"

    "Yeah, it was really good," I agreed. "I guess we both should be glad that you called me a cock sucker, huh?"
    If he could have blushed and it could have been seen, I was sure he did.

    "I'm still sorry I said that," he said. "I was mad because you beat me real bad... but, um, I was trying to tell you something, too."

    "Why didn't you just say it?" I asked. "The worst that could have happened was that I might have said no... not that I would have."

    "Why?" he asked.

    "Because I am a cock sucker and it took you saying it to really make me realize that I am and, besides, I wouldn't have said no because I really do love sucking dick," I said - and I was very much okay with accepting the reality of what I knew myself to be.

    We laid there talking about a lot of nothing before we were both ready to do it again, this time lying side by side and kinda taking it nice and slow and I was, more than any other time, really reveling in being the cock sucker he "said" I was yesterday. We finished up and, checking my watch, saw that it was time for me to head home so my mom could give me any instructions she had before she left for work. I felt good walking home with two loads of sperm in my belly and even more after accepting the reality that I was a cock sucker.

    And to re-confirm it, as soon as my mom left for work, I went right to sucking my brother's dick because I wanted to and I could and knew he needed to be sucked... because I was a cock sucker and proud to be one.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  2. Accepting the Reality - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I blinked and looked to see the friend I had given an resounding defeat to playing Monopoly and I immediately got ready to fight and he saw it and said, "I don't wanna fight you. I was looking for you to apologize for getting mad and calling you a cock sucker, okay?"

    "But I am a cock sucker," I said - and I'll be damned if I knew why I said it. It just came out of my mouth all by itself and, even stranger, I was totally calm about it.

    "You are?" he asked - after he picked his jaw up off the ground. "For real?"

    "Yeah, for real," I said as he sat down next to me. "I probably need to apologize for getting you in trouble with your parents, don't I?"

    "Forget that! You really suck dick?" he asked.

    "I said that I did," I said. "It not that big of a deal; a lot of guys suck dick."

    "Do you like it?" he asked.

    "I wouldn't do it if I didn't like it - and before you ask, no; I'm not a faggot."

    "Damn... you go both ways?" he asked and the way he did made me really look at him. He had this look on his face like he'd just found $100 lying on the sidewalk.

    I just looked at him without confirming or denying anything; my brain was still trying to figure out why I had said what I did and I felt so disconnected from myself that it took me almost a minute to realize that he had said, "Um, I like to suck dick, too - you're not gonna tell anyone are you?"

    "Huh?" I asked once his words settled into my brain; did he just say what I think he said?

    He didn't respond to my "huh" and an awkward silence descended onto us. I'm all in my head, still trying to find out why I told him my secret while trying to process what he'd just said and it was like my mind was stuck in some kind of loop that didn't make any sense to me.

    "Hey, um, look, um, you wanna come over so we can, um, so we can suck each other's dick?" he asked.

    "What?" I asked, snapping back into the here and now.

    "I wanna suck your dick," he said quietly. "Matter of fact, I've been wanting to suck your dick ever since we met."

    "Oh," I said, mentally slapping myself for such stupid responses. "Well, okay, if you really want to, I'm down with it."

    As we made our way to his place - he'd already confirmed there would be no one there - I was thinking about the irony of going to suck a guy's dick who had, the other day, called me a cock sucker... and now discovering that he was one, too. It was weird processing all of this and trying to pay attention to him telling me how he became a cock sucker and how scared he was to let anyone else know - the usual stuff that was common among guys who liked having sex with other guys.

    I should have felt very excited to suck his dick... because it was a dick. I was but at the same time I kinda wasn't and all because my brain was too busy trying to make sense of the realization of being a cock sucker; I even almost missed him asking me if I swallowed cum or spit it out or some other thing he mentioned that I just wasn't paying attention to. We get to his place and go straight to his bedroom; he's breaking some kind of record getting out of his clothes and I'm undressing as well but I'm still distracted by my thoughts and just operating on autopilot.

    "Wow, that's a nice dick," he said, once again snapping me out of my thoughts; I looked at him, blinked, then looked down at his dick, which was already hard and, wow - his dick was pretty big!

    "Thanks," I said - and feeling silly saying it. "Yours ain't bad either!"

    We stood there looking at each other and I felt even more stupid because it took me a minute to realize that we were waiting on each other to get this started. I heard myself say, "Oh, yeah, right...," took him by the hand and led him to his bed; he laid down on his back and I got into position over him so we could do it together. I opened my mouth, gave his knob a couple of licks and started sucking him and like we'd been doing it all along. My mind shut itself off and paid attention to the fact that he had to be a good eight inches long and went to work on him. He's beneath me and sucking my dick like his whole life depended on it and everything else just faded into the background until the only thing left was his dick in my mouth and his on mine.

    Except this one thing that kept going on in my head: Cock sucker. Yeah, me - I'm a cock sucker. That part of me was having fun taking him deep, sucking on his spongy knob and letting my tongue do whatever it wanted to do; I was becoming more aware of how he was sucking me and kinda laughing a little to myself whenever he tried to take me deep and as I was easily doing to him... and it was making him gag but he was hanging in there and doing to me what I was doing to him. If I backed off and sucked/licked the head of his dick, he did the same thing to me; I'd go deep and hold him there and, well, he tried to duplicate it but wasn't that successful since my dick was just as long (and fatter) than his.

    Yeah, I'm a cock sucker... and a better cock sucker than he is. A warm wave of... pride or ego swept over me as I started sucking him with a purpose; I wanted to make him cum; I wanted to taste it and swallow it all down... because I was a cock sucker and that's what cock suckers do.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  3. Accepting the Reality - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I started the next day by sucking my brother's dick which was a bit unusual but was one of those things where we'd both gotten out of the bathroom and were getting dressed; I looked at him, he looked back and dicks got sucked - no big deal but a different way to start the day.

    I went outside looking for my friends and was kinda roaming around all over the place; as I walked through the park - and thinking about playing some basketball - I heard two guys talking and one guy called the other guy a cock sucker over something the second guy had said. That guy laughed and said, "You wish, motherfucker!" and they both laughed but hearing that had me looking inside myself to see if even hearing it made me mad or anything like that...

    And it hadn't. The realization that I was, very much indeed, a cock sucker was still stuck in my head and that "voice in my head" saw fit to confirm that, obviously, I was one given how I started my day, huh? I felt good about it but kinda not so good and I wasn't sure why I didn't. I mean, I'd been sucking dicks for a while now and it wasn't that big of a deal but now it was... but it shouldn't have been. I got to the basketball courts and set the thoughts aside to get into a game. We're playing full court and the team I was on was winning by four; we had the ball and looking to score when the guy with the ball made a bad pass; a defender snatched it up and was hauling ass for an easy layup but since I was closer, I took off after him, made an adjustment and just as he went to lay it up and in, I leaped up and pinned the ball to the backboard.

    "You cock sucker!" the guy yelped before claiming that I fouled him. In that moment, I realized that had he called me that, say, yesterday and before the realization hit me, I would have punched him in the mouth and anywhere else I could hit him. Instead, I just looked at him and laughed, reminded him that I got all ball, and the game went on and we won the game. Afterward, the guy was still giving me shit about fouling him and kept calling me a cock sucking scum sucker; one part of me wanted to cave his face in but the part that had gotten readjusted by the realization said, "Just leave it alone... because you are a cock and scum sucker!" The other guys were trying to egg us into a fight and it probably would have happened... except someone reminded him that he didn't want to fight me because I "knew some shit."

    I left the courts and continue to just roam around thinking about accepting the reality of me being a cock sucker and just because "everyone else" thought it to be bad, it still wasn't and I understood that the only reason why it was such a bad thing was because boys weren't supposed to suck dick.

    "But that doesn't mean we don't and can't," I had said out loud to myself, making two girls who were walking by look at me like I was crazy for talking to myself. I sat down on a bench... because I realized that I was just walking without a real purpose and I was a little tired after playing basketball. I was just... sitting there and staring at nothing in particular when I heard a voice say, "Oh, there you are - I've been looking for you!"[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  4. Accepting the Reality - Part I

    [SIZE=3][FONT=verdana]When I was 12 or 13, a friend and I were playing Monopoly and I had wiped him out in short order; he hadn't believed that I won a contest playing the game and he was bragging about how good he was at playing it so said, "Let's play..." and bankrupted him like thirty minutes later.[/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana]"You cock sucker!" he cried out as he grabbed the board and tossed it across the room, scattering the pieces and money all over the place which made me laugh because it was his game and not mine... then my mind caught up with what my ears heard I got fighting mad at him. The short end of this was that he kept calling me a cock sucker and pissing me off and we wound up fighting; his parents broke us up, asked why we were fighting and he tried to play it off by saying we got to fighting because he lost playing Monopoly but I was still agitated and said that he was lying and we were fighting because he called me a bad name.[/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana]I didn't say it until his parents assured me that I wouldn't get in trouble by telling them what their son said... so I told them... and had a little grin on my face to hear him getting his ass beat as I was leaving. As I meandered around on my way back home, I got to thinking about him calling me a cock sucker... and stopped dead in my tracks to realize that I was a cock sucker. That realization hit me so hard that I had stopped in the middle of the street I was crossing and when I realized where I was, I considered myself lucky that I didn't get hit by a car - again.[/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana]The realization was disturbing and even more so when I hadn't connected my favorite thing to do with other guys with that particular insult but now I had; once I got my ass back on a sidewalk, I was walking along and thinking about how many times the cock sucker epitaph was hurled at me for some reason - joking or out of anger - and I'd either laugh it off or, since them was fighting words, the scrap would be on. I was so deep in thought about this that I almost walked into a telephone pole to realize that I was getting fighting mad over being called something I actually was. In fact, before I went to my friend's house and I kicked his ass playing Monopoly, I had sucked off not one but two other friends.

    Cock sucker. Me. Yep. Loved doing it and couldn't get enough of doing it. Shit.

    Now, the usual response that didn't call for a fight to start - and when someone called someone else a cock sucker - was, "It takes one to know one!" and still deep in shock over this realization had me thinking about how untrue that really was since the only way you knew a guy was a cock sucker was if you knew for a fact that he was. As it happened, I bumped into a guy - I hadn't really seen him - and I apologized to him, only to hear him say, "Watch where you're going, cock sucker!"

    Yeah, ouch. Like I didn't already have a lot of shit on my mind about this but the thing I noticed was I didn't get mad at being called a cock sucker. This new realization was changing me on the fly and making me see why being called one was bad enough for the best of friends to fight like wild dogs... and even if it was true. While everyone was of a very firm mind that cock sucking - among boys - was a bad thing, well, I knew that it really wasn't and my mind somehow made the adjustment to decide that the next time someone called me a cock sucker, I shouldn't get mad about it because I was a cock sucker.

    And to prove the point, once I got back into my neighborhood, I ran into one of the guys I had sucked dicks with earlier and he very much wanted to do it again... so we did... but this time, it seemed to take on a whole new meaning to me and the further proof of it was after we came in each other's mouth and were deciding if we had time to do it again, he said, "Wow... you're a really good cock sucker!"

    And I thought, "Yeah, I am, aren't I?" I hadn't felt that spark of anger I'd normally feel hearing this directed at me - I actually felt pretty good about it. It wasn't the first time a guy told me that I was a good cock sucker but now? It had more meaning and gave me an even greater sense of... pride, I guess. We sucked each other off again and I finally made it back home with my mind working overtime about this revelation. My brother was home - he'd gotten himself grounded (again) - and had been there stuck in our room and the first thing he said to me when I went in was, "I really need to suck your dick, okay?"

    Once our mother left for work, I spent the next couple of hours with my brother sucking each other off until we couldn't get it up again. Cock sucker. Yep. It takes one to know one... because I am one.[/FONT][/SIZE]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  5. All Day Long - Part IV

    [SIZE=3][FONT=verdana]He rolled off of me and grinned when we both heard my dick pop out of his ass... and I didn't waste any time pouncing on his dick to suck him into hardness; it was all I could do to keep myself from finishing him quickly but I wanted him to feel the way he made me feel. I sucked him slowly, teasing him and still resisting the urge to eat him alive but I had other plans for him.[/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana]I stopped sucking him long enough to reach over and grab the jar of Vaseline I now kept on my nightstand and after applying a huge glob of it to and in my ass, climbed onto him and giving him my best evil grin and more so when I knew that he didn't really like fucking me all that much. I sighed as all of his dick slid easily into me and it made me shiver as I started grinding my ass onto his dick, never taking my eyes off of him and noticing the little war going on inside of him. He didn't like fucking me but he kinda liked it, too; I saw the joy and fear in his eyes and his tears were streaming down his face as I kept up my slow pace.[/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana]I'd had a lot of dicks in my ass but his felt like it was specifically made to be in mine and I loved every second of having him inside me and knowing that he didn't like it... but was going to cum inside me just the same.[/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana]"I... I don't want to," he said.[/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana]"You're going to," I replied. "Fair is fair, right?"[/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana]He mumbled something as I rode him faster. I needed him to cum in me; I needed to feel his cock pulsing while trapped deep inside of me and then he came... and it felt so damned good. I looked at him as I just sat still to better feel his prick's spasms inside me.[/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana]"I hate it when you make me do that," he complained.[/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana]"I know," I said. "That's what makes this so much better."[/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana]I rolled off of him and went right to kissing him and letting the kiss convey how much I truly loved him. After a while, we got up and went to shower again and even took time to get something to eat and drink before returning to the bedroom to do it all over again.[/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana]It was the best time we'd ever spent together. His stamina always amazed me and it equally amazed me how he could push me to my limits but was able to keep me wanting to do more to and with him and I recalled how surprised my wife was one night when I spent almost four hours making love to her nonstop and because of the things I had learned from him. We spent the entire day sucking and fucking each other, sometimes all wrapped up in each other's arms and both of us crying happy tears.

    By the time my wife and kids returned from their day trip, we were doing what we normally did, both of us in the kitchen and getting dinner ready. Before the returned, he had said to me, "I didn't want it to stop but I knew it had to because I promised her that I'd leave you something to make love to her with."

    "Don't be surprised if she asks you to join us again," I said. "She likes the way you eat her."

    "Who knew eating pussy could be so much fun?" he asked while blushing.

    "I knew it," I said with a laugh. "So much for gay guys not liking pussy, huh?"

    It was a day I'll never forget...[/FONT][/SIZE]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  6. All Day Long - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]"Just think," he said after kissing me. "I'm just getting started." His tongue invaded my mouth with a soft gentleness that few women had going for them. I could taste my cum on his tongue and lips and just gave in to the deep, soul searing kiss. We laid there kissing each other as if our lives depended on it and for a long time before he finally broke the kiss and started kissing his way down my body. It felt good and ticklish as he sucked on my nipples and sometimes biting them gently as his hands roamed all over the rest of my body.

    The way he could make love just put a lot of women to shame. I knew he loved being the girl and being subjected to the great lust and love I had for him but once I had told him that it was okay for him to just have his way with me, he took to it with a passion that, the first time, left me breathless.

    "Turn over," he whispered and I did and then felt his lips on my neck and ears; he continued to kiss his way down my back, his hands touching me everywhere and I both tensed and relaxed as he started to first, kiss, then felt his tongue in the crack of my ass. I hadn't had my ass licked too many times in my life and, as his tongue licked and probed my hole, I remember how shocked I was the first time he did it and how strangely good it felt. Likewise, I hadn't licked many assholes but I got very used to tonguing his ass and marveling that doing so didn't taste "nasty," if you know what I mean.

    "Okay, lover, you can turn back over now," he said, giving me a look that still unnerved me somewhat because there was no telling what he was going to do when he "took charge" and had his way with me.

    He went right to sucking my dick which was surprisingly still soft. That, too, took some getting used to and he would often tell me that sucking my dick when it was nice and soft was just as much fun as when I was rock hard. He was so... gently urgent, taking his time to suck me into hardness and once more had me squirming on the bed. After getting me hard again, he mounted me, guiding my dick to his hole and with a grin, sat right down on me until I was fully into him.

    That never got old for me and it always amazed me how he could take my dick in his ass without any lubrication and, oh, my god, sliding into this ass felt better than most of the pussies I'd had my dick in. He began to ride me slowly and I looked up at him and saw that he had his eyes closed and his tongue was poking from between his lips as he moved on me.

    "God... you feel so good inside me," he said, continuing his slow movements impaled on my dick.

    "You're gonna make me cum again," I said.

    "I want you to; just let it happen, my love," he replied. He put both of his hands on my chest and went from grinding slowly upon me to literally bouncing up and down on my dick like a whirling dervish and I gasped at how sudden his change of pace was and if I had any thoughts about not cumming, his frantic movements took them right away as we both felt my dick swell and then started pumping my spunk into him.

    "Yes... give it to me," he moaned.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  7. All Day Long - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Early the next morning, I was awakened by a lot of noise coming from the living room and as I stumbled my way to the bathroom, I saw my lover give my wife his car keys and a "wad" of money and heard him say, "Have a good time, okay?"

    The kids were losing their minds over what I had no idea about and as I got washed up, I heard the door close and the apartment was silent. I was wondering what was going on but not so much because I knew I was going to find out very soon... and my lover's appearance in the bathroom door told me that now would be the time I was going to find out what he'd been up to.

    "I sent them on a day trip to Philly," he said as he started to get undressed. "They're going to the zoo and a couple of other places I suggested so we have the place all to ourselves today!"

    One of the things I loved about him was how brilliant he was and I was very distracted from brushing my teeth to just watch him in all of his naked glory as he started the shower, turned and gave me a very salacious look, and asked, "Are you gonna join me?"

    "You know we're not going to get clean, don't you?" I asked as I stepped out of my underwear and we both noticed that I was already hard in anticipation of showering with him.

    "We will... just not right away," he said, giving me that boyish smile that I also very much loved.

    He didn't waste a moment taking my dick into my mouth, making me sigh and lean against the wall; he was a magnificent cock sucker and as much as I had come to love fucking him, we both knew that he made me the happiest whenever he sucked my dick.

    "Don't cum yet," he said to me and to my dick he said, "I'll be with you in a moment!" Yeah... he could easily make me laugh talking to my dick. We actually did get clean... but not before we took turns sucking each other and slipping soapy fingers into each other's ass.

    One of the things I had to get used to was him drying me off when we showered together and I didn't know why it embarrassed me so much other than I was obviously capable of drying myself off... but he took so much joy in doing it and just as he did by washing me which, um, most of the time, resulted in him getting fucked in the shower but not today or, really, not yet.

    Once we were both washed and dried, we went right to bed and got right into a 69; being in the shower with him had made me so horny and more so being teased by him sucking me off and on and I took it out on his cock, taking my time but not really taking my time sucking him until he came in my mouth. I so very much loved the way his cock fit in my mouth and how good he felt and tasted and he had the sweetest cum I'd ever had in my mouth.

    After I swallowed his load, he finished me off; he had me writhing on the bed as he worked his mouth on me and with a slender finger buried in my ass, sending incredible jolts of pleasure through me until I couldn't take any more and exploded in his mouth.

    Inside My Bi Mind
  8. All Day Long - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I'd just finished cumming in my gay lover's ass and pulled out of him and just looked at how beautiful he was after sex and how his freckles stood out against the flushed redness of his pale skin and his mop of red hair would be plastered to his forehead. I reached over and put my hand on his chest to feel his heart beating and marveled how he always felt like he was running a temperature and almost - but not quite - too hot to touch.

    "Wouldn't it be nice if we had a whole day to ourselves to do this?" he asked, his green eyes locked onto my brown ones and allowing me to see the love he had for me in them. "No interruptions, no chores to do, just the two of us showing each other how much we love each other."

    "It would be nice," I agreed. "But you know how it is; things still have to be done and attended to." I sighed to myself and wondered once again how it came to be that I fell in love with this guy and finally feeling comfortable over the fact that I did. He was so smart and funny and a very emotional kind of guy and I laughed to myself thinking about his odd behavior of crying during sex, something that when I first saw it, unnerved me and had me thinking that I was hurting him, only to find out that his tears were tears of joy.

    "I think I can make it happen," he said.

    "How?" I asked.

    "Just leave it to me," he said, pulling my head down and kissing me deeply. I never thought that I would enjoy kissing a guy as much as I did kissing him... but there were things that had to get done and if he kept kissing me the way he was, they weren't going to get done.

    My wife and kids came in and were getting settled while my lover started getting dinner together; the kids flocked to him to greet him and I was feeling good about the fact that they got along with each other and more so when he liked to just spoil them more rotten than they already were. My wife came over to me and kissed me and I took a moment to give her ass a loving squeeze and making her whisper in my ear, "Later..."

    I'd gone out to the store to get more milk and when I came back, my lover and my wife were talking in somewhat hushed tones but that wasn't unusual and I felt so much love for my wife seeing her interacting with the man I loved and stifling a laugh to think that because of his very effeminate ways, the two of them were engaging in girl talk and, sometimes, my ears would burn because I knew they were talking about me.

    As I put the milk on the counter, I heard him ask, "Okay?" and my wife responded with, "Okay!" He gave her a kiss on the cheek and returned to the kitchen to finish dinner and my curiosity got the best of me; I asked, "What was that about?"

    He smiled and gave me a peck on the lips and said, "I told you to leave it to me, didn't I? Now go somewhere before you make me not finish cooking - shoo!"[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
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